Future of

26 July 2013

What is the future of

Well, my personal passion for Number Stations has ebbed. 2 Years of intense tracking of stations, producing podcasts, making this site has burnt me out on the topic as a whole. I still enjoy listening, but overall management of things got too much. I took too much on and things became work rather than fun.

Moving forwards where does that leave us?

Priyom has a wonderfull community based around our IRC channel. Radio is still a much discussed topic, but many of us have found shared interests (Such as gaming and motorsport and others). We have many members who contribute activly to the site on the radio front and still have their passion for the topic, so shutting priyom down based on MY lack of interest in the topic would not be productive for anyone.

So we have decided to expand. We are a geek community that gathered around the buzzer, that shared interest lead to finding many shared interests in the commuity, so thats what we are now, a geek community.

All members are free to add community sections to the site based on any of these shared interests. X06Shadow, Gwraspe and I have been playing a lot of Arma2 and Arma3 together and have started sponsering some servers supplied by, so a gaming section will be added to the site.

X06Shadow, myself are founding a racing team, so a site page for that too will be added.

Hopefully this will breath some new life into the team, get a few of us back into radio.

Let's see where things go with this..

73 All
