S30 Pip breakdown!

25 November 2012

OK so I wasn't expecting to do two blogposts tonight but something well worth noting has just been brought to our attention. Argonn, a member of the Priyom group, has recently been monitoring S30 quite intensively and in his recording tonight he has stumbled upon a real gem.

The Pip, channel marker of S30, broke down tonight (November 24th 2012) at 2309z. This is interesting enough on it's own but extra relevance is brought about by the way in which the breakdown occured. Just like we've heard many times with the well known Buzzer, channel marker of S28, the Pip slowly 'wound down' as if an analogue/mechanical device is discipating it's power - or as Argonn himself quoted "Some kind of engine-propelled flywheel using belt, and the belt just failed?" This strengthens the already notable connection between the two above-mentioned stations.

You can find linked below a comparison breakdown of the buzzer and also the original link for Argonn's recording which is available on his soundcloud page.


Pip breakdown -

Buzzer breakdown - /media/57569/s28-4625usb-20120319-1110z-breakdown-byavare.ogg



S30 recordings by Argonn & Avare.