Enigma ID XPA
Status Active
Voice N/A
Emission mode USB; 17-tone MFSK, 10 Bd, 40 Hz
Location Moscow, Russia

Russian (icon)

Activity pages

XPA is a digital mode of the Russian 7 operator. It utilizes a custom 17-tone MFSK system.

Null format:

761 761 761 000 03683 00001 00000 35663
3-digit ID
  5-digit group
with "0" in front
    5-digit group
with "3" or "4" in front

Traffic format:

761 761 761 1 08733 00113 30757 78052 ... 32479 32764
3-digit ID
5-digit group
with "0" in front
Group count minus 3
padded to 5 digits
5-digit single groups

The 3-digit ID and the message count appear only at the beginning of the broadcast. Multiple messages within a single transmission are separated using "00000 00000."

All XPA schedules are twice weekly and consist of 3 identical transmissions 20 minutes apart. Each successive transmission is 1-2 MHz lower or higher in frequency. The frequencies are typically changed on a monthly basis.