
Enigma ID n/a
Name Overload
Frequencies 4050kHz
Status Active
Voice Male and female, live
Emission mode LSB
Location Republic of Belarus


Activity pages

First heard in 2022, this station serves the Republic of Belarus and operates without a channel marker on 4050kHz LSB all year round. It relays messages sent on the Vyezha channel.

Voice broadcasts are usually preceeded by one or more counts. Apart from Monolit transmissions, this station also does two-way reception checks in voice, with stations answering calls on 3822kHz LSB, 4099kHz LSB or 4113.5khz LSB. It is also the only station in this network, which transmits radiograms and messages of three letter groups starting with Z via the voice channel. Recipients of radiograms are then usually asked to confirm its reception via a "wire channel" - a phone line. The callsigns of this station and its recipients change every day and are different for nighttime and daytime. Since the start of the observations, they have never repeated.

On this station the Monolit messages are read first in full without phonetical spelling, and then once again with spelling and with each digit read separately, as opposed to other stations which read them as whole numbers. The 5-digit group in Monolyth messages in voice is read in 3+2 digits pattern ("303+76"), instead of the usual 2+3 ("30+376").

The transmissions by this station are very often distorted, which is caused by the use of overloaded radio equipment. As a result of this, the broadcasts also have very high power.