
Enigma ID n/a
Frequencies See table below
Status Active
Voice Male and female, live
Emission mode USB
Location Republic of Belarus


Activity pages

First heard in 2017, this station serves Republic of Belarus and operates without a channel marker. The callsigns of recipients change during the year along with its frequencies, however unlike on the Vyezha channel, they also change after every year. There have been instances of more than one callsign for a given season and different callsigns used on the day and night frequencies. It relays Monolit messages sent on the Vyezha channel, usually 2-3 minutes after the innitial transmission. The messages have the same contents, although they are adressed to different callsigns.

The messages are transmitted simoutaneously on a voice and morse channel. Voice broadcasts are preceeded by a test tone or test count, while morse transmissions usually start with a series of the letter V repeated. Unlike its counterpart stations, this channel doesn't transmit test messages using voice (though occasional test counts are noted). The morse channel often sends radiograms, network checks and Z-commands, which aren't transmitted in voice.

On this station the Monolit messages are read first in full without phonetical spelling, and then once again with spelling and with each digit read separately, as opposed to other stations which read them as whole numbers. The 5-digit group in Monolyth messages in voice is also often read in a 3+2 digits pattern ("303+76"), instead of the usual 2+3 ("30+376").

The frequencies used by this station are represented by the table below. A lot of them are still unknown.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Day frequency 5373kHz 5436.5kHz 4379kHz 4066.5kHz 5373kHz
Night frequency - - - - -
Morse frequency 4156kHz 4394kHz 4165kHz 4122kHz 4156kHz