
Enigma ID E12
Name NNN
Frequencies 4024, 4644, 5072, 5177, 5821, 8180
Status Inactive
Voice Female
Emission mode AM
Location Austria


Activity pages

E12 was an Austrian number station. Last reported in November 1997.[1]


5 minutes
Morse code "N" Group 25, group 25 44919 44919 22261 22261 ... Morse code "N" Group 25, group 25 44919 44919 22261 22261 ... End
  Group count
5-digit paired groups 10 times Group count
5-digit paired groups  


E12 operated on weekly schedules. However, each schedule sent only one message each month. The only group counts noted were 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 - all being multiplies of 5.[2]

E12 had originally broadcast alongside its German counterpart G12. E12 replaced it completely in June 1994.[3]


  1. ENIGMA Newsletter - Issue #14 (January 1998), p. 6
  2. ENIGMA Newsletter - Issue #4 (January 1994), p. 5
  3. ENIGMA Newsletter - Issue #6 (August 1994), p. 3

Recording courtesy of Simon Mason