
Enigma ID S10b
Name Bulgarian Betty
Frequencies Various
Status Inactive
Voice Female, automated
Emission mode AM
Location Czechoslovakia


Activity pages

S10b was ran by Czechoslovak military intelligence. Replacement for S10. Ceased in December 1990. Later returned in 1996 as S10d.

Five electronic notes were the musical intro, in place of the piano piece (with three different variations), 3-digit schedule identifiers were added, and 3-figure recipient ID's were replaced by 5-figure ones.


Intro Preamble Message Outro
333 12022 70 Pozor, pozor 12022 79 70 67738 67738 48538 48538 ... 79 70 Konec, konec
3-figure schedule ID 5-figure recipient ID Amount of 5-figure groups in the message   5-figure recipient ID 2-figure number, purpose unknown Amount of 5-figure groups in the message 5-figure paired groups 2-figure number, purpose unknown Amount of 5-figure groups in the message  
Repeated thrice Repeated twice Repeated twice   Repeated twice Repeated twice Repeated twice   Repeated twice Repeated twice  
Repeated for 5 minutes                

The schedule ID was either 111, 222, 333, 444 or 555, and identified the currently used set of frequencies. Like S10, S10b often sent more than one message in one transmission to more than one recipient. In that case, in the intro, the ID's and the group counts were included for all the messages, in the same way as the first one. Then the preamble, the message and the outro except "Konec, konec" followed for each message. The last message ended the transmission with "Konec, konec".

S10b also had a rare null message format designated S10a.

The voice used common Czech military radio pronunciation, in particular "nul" for 0 (instead of "nula"), and "vosum" for 8 (instead of "osm").