Message Format

Russian diplomatic messages are traditionally associated with headers made of five 5-digit groups that carry clear, easily decodable information.

Example: 11166 10042 36921 05003 02129

Group 1: 3-digit content type + 2-digit priority

  • Content types:
    • 111: Text (including 5-digit and 5-letter groups)
    • 444: Binary
  • Priorities:
    • 77: Standard
    • 66: Urgent
    • 44: Flash
    • 00: Training

Group 2: 5-digit link ID, identifying the diplomatic mission associated with the message

Group 3: 5-digit key group

Group 4: 2-digit date (day of the month) + 3-digit serial number

Group 5: 4-digit group count + 1-digit origin

  • Group count:
    • Used for 5-digit and 5-letter group messages only; set to 0000 for binary messages
    • Always one group greater than the actual number of groups in the message
  • Origins:
    • 9: Moscow
    • 3: Diplomatic mission
