
Enigma ID F11
Status Inactive
Voice N/A
Emission mode USB; FSK, 100 Bd, 620 Hz, ACF=16
Location Warsaw, Poland

Polish (icon)

Activity pages

F11 was a digital flavor of the Polish 11 operator. It ceased in December 2018, having been succeeded by F03 and P03.

Null format:

0353 0353 0353 0353 0353 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
4-digit ID
(5 times)

Traffic format:

0325 0325 0325 0325 0325 88888 88888 41893 23055 ... 45276 63951 88888 88888 00035 00035
4-digit ID
(5 times)
  5-digit single groups   Group count

F11 was attached to many schedules of E11, S11a, and M03, delivering the same traffic 15 minutes before the analog transmissions. The frequency used by F11 was typically no more than 1 MHz away from the analog broadcast. Each F11 transmission was followed by an identical repeat 5 minutes later.