
Enigma ID V19
Name WTR21 (“Don’t Cry for Me Argentina”)
Frequencies Unknown
Status Inactive
Voice Male, live
Emission mode AM
Location Unknown
Activity pages

The language was Spanish. V19 was heard only once, one day in mid-80s, in Germany. Only one recording exists, which is part of The Conet Project.

Known format:

Intro Preamble Message   Repeat Postamble Outro
"Don't cry for me Argentina" tune  WTR21 563-98 915-34 842-02... Short break  56398 91534 84202... WTR21  Fin
   Callsign, spoken as Whiskey Tango Romeo veintiuno 5-figure single groups, spoken as five hundred sixty-three ninety-eight   5-figure single groups (each digit spoken individually)  Callsign, spoken as Whiskey Tango Romeo veintiuno  
Played three times  Repeated for some time        Repeated once  

 The range of callsigns from WAA to WZZ (WTR inclusive) were allocated to the USA. However, the station might have had its origins in Spain, due to the smooth, native pronunciation of the operator.

Extracted from ENIGMA Newsletter no. 15, July 1998 (read a scanned version here).